Service Beloved By 10 Million Users

A.I. Chatbot App
#1 in Cumulative Downloads
Launched as a tarot chatbot named 'Llamama' in May 2017, 'HelloBot' has grown as a trusted platform where users share their personal struggles with friendly A.I. chatbots. Engage with A.I. chatbots and MyBot featuring the personas of various creators. Specialists from different fields await you.

Build Your Own Adventure
Storyplay is a chat-based interactive game where user choices determine the narratives of the story.
Enjoy the game by changing the storyline with your choices and by discovering a range of exclusive ending paths just for you.

The fling is over!
The relationship starts in Between
Launched in 2011, Between is the global No.1 couple messenger. With Between, you can keep special moments with your partner. Cherish your precious memories in albums and calendars made just for the two of you.